
April 19, 2023
4 mins

Finance for EV Charging: Bluestone Partners with Hypervolt

Key take away points:

  • Why switch to electric vehicles?
  • Charging EV's
  • About Hypervolt EV chargers

We are now a sustainability partner of Hypervolt, the UK's leading innovator in smart EV charging. This partnership will enable more organisations to access the numerous benefits of switching to electric vehicles by spreading the cost of installing EV chargers on their premises over time.

Why Switch to Electric Vehicles?

It is predicted that in less than 7 years the sale of new ICE cars and vans will be banned in the UK, among other nations, and that EVs will represent more than 60% of vehicles sold globally by 2030.

The UK government has a target for all new cars and vans sold in the UK to be electric by 2030, and cities are beginning implementing Clean Air Zones; vehicles exceeding emissions standards will have to pay to travel through a Clean Air Zone.

The following cities have already implemented Clean Air Zones with many more (including Greater Manchester) set to follow suit in the next few years.

  • Bath
  • Birmingham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Portsmouth
  • Sheffield
  • Tyneside (Newcastle and Gateshead)

Making the switch to electric vehicles (which produce zero tailpipe emissions) sooner rather than later will put you ahead of any future legislation and penalties that might be introduced.

In addition, electric vehicles are typically:

  • Cheaper to run.
  • Exempt from first year road tax.
  • Cheaper to maintain.
  • Exempt from congestion charges.

Electric vehicles can also bring tax benefits. Click here for more information on the benefits of switching to electric vehicles.

Charging EVs

Of course, electric vehicles need to be charged and many prospective EV users citing charging as their biggest barrier to adoption, and the cost associated with installing EV chargers on an organisation’s premises can be an obstacle.

This why Bluestone has partnered with Hypervolt EV chargers enabling their customers to spread the cost of the investment over time and, in many cases, use the savings made through installing EV chargers to cover their repayments.

About Hypervolt EV Chargers

Hypervolt build enhanced EV charging and smart technology and works consultatively with individuals, businesses, and fleets to provide holistic charging solutions that will provide the groundwork for a greener future in decades to come.

Hypervolt chargers:

  • Connect through Wi-Fi or ethernet at no extra cost.
  • Connect through Wi-Fi or ethernet at no extra cost.
  • Automatically upgrade to the latest firmware over-the-air.
  • Can be controlled using your voice via Amazon Alexa.
  • Enable you to take maximum advantage of the cheapest energy tariffs through advanced cost reports and scheduled charging.
  • Do not require an Earth Rod to be installed due to built-in state-of-the-art pen protection which is faster, cheaper, and much safer!
  • Enable you to take advantage of the cheapest tariff and maximise your smart meter’s potential.
  • Won’t trip fuses as Hypervolt chargers automatically adjust to the load in the premises.
  • Are compatible with all solar panel installations, enabling you to charge for free using the sun’s energy.
  • Are compatible with all EV makes and models.

Click here to visit the Hypervolt website or contact us to discuss how financing EV chargers could work for your organisation.

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